
verb (used with object), phubbed, phub·bing.

to ignore (a person or one's surroundings) when in a social situation by busying oneself with a phone or other mobile device: Hey, are you phubbing me?

(used without object),
phubbed, phub·bing.

to ignore a person or one's surroundings in this way.

Have you ever been out with friends and noticed that they were all on their phones instead of paying attention to the conversation? That's what we're talking about here: "phubbing." In this blog, we'll figure out what it means to phub and how it affects us. So grab your phone, grab your coffee, and let’s go!

Phubbing is a term that has become part of the popular lexicon in recent years. It has been described as a combination of the words "phone" and "snubbing," or ignoring someone in your physical presence by focusing on your phone or other device.

At its heart, phubbing is an exercise in misdirection. Instead of giving another person our full attention, we choose to devote our attention to something that physically exists outside of our relationship with them. Phubbing can take many forms, from using our phones while having a conversation with someone else to completely ignoring the person we are talking to in favor of checking messages and emails on our devices.

In addition to being an unpleasant experience for the person being ignored, extensive phubbing has been linked to higher levels of stress and decreased relationship satisfaction among couples. One survey found that 54% of respondents felt that their partner’s use of their phone during a conversation had caused problems in their relationship at least once per week.

It is clear from these findings that phubbing has become a significant problem for people’s relationships and well-being. By taking steps to consciously shift away from phones or devices when having conversations with others, we can work toward reducing this pervasive form of digital disengagement.

Definition of Phub

The word “Phub” is an acronym derived from the phrase “phone snubbing.” It refers to the act of ignoring a person or group in favor of a digital device such as a smartphone. The term has been popularized by social media platforms and online communities, where it is often used in instances where someone disregards those around them in order to focus on their phone instead.

In a broader sense, the word “phub” is sometimes used to describe any behavior that favors technology over meaningful connection and communication between people. This can include not just being preoccupied with one's phone but also using it as a shield against reaching out to others or engaging in real relationships – using social media instead, for example.

In recent years, there has been an increased awareness of the term "phubbing" and its implications for interactions and meaningful connections between individuals. As technology improves and becomes more sophisticated, so too must people's awareness of how they communicate with one another – both in person and on digital platforms – lest they risk becoming phubbers themselves.

Origins of the Word Phub

The term "phub" is a portmanteau of the words "phone" and "snub". It was coined in 2010 by author Alex Soojung-Kim Pang in his book, The Distraction Addiction: Getting the Information You Need and the Communication You Want, Without Enraging Your Family, Annoying Your Colleagues and Destroying Your Soul.

The concept of phubbing (or phone snubbing) describes how people are increasingly preoccupied with phones and internet technology, to the exclusion of more traditional forms of interaction. Phubbing is generally considered to be rude behavior, as it disrupts social conversations by preventing people from speaking with one another face-to-face.

More recently, phub has become a verb as well as a noun; for example, you can say that someone is "phubbing" someone else or that someone else is a victim of phubbing. Phub has even spawned its own website for tracking statistics about phone use in social situations:

Examples of Phubbing

Phubbing is the act of ignoring someone in a social setting by using your cellular phone. For example, if you were sitting with friends at a restaurant and you put your head down to focus on your phone instead of engaging in conversation, you’d be phubbing. People who are most commonly guilty of phubbing are millennials, who often prefer interacting through text messages or post comments on social media rather than face-to-face interaction.

Phubbing can lead to serious relational issues. A survey by the website asked participants about their experiences with phubbing and found that 68% of people said that being phubbed made them feel unimportant, 54% felt ignored or insulted, and 25% feel less attractive as a result. The survey also revealed that over 75% of participants said that the person doing the phubbing was significantly less interested in them than someone who wasn't distracted by their phone.

Studies have also shown that frequent phubbers have higher levels of anxiety and depression and lower satisfaction with their relationships than those who don't do it as often. Researchers suggest that this is likely due to how negatively it can affect communication, intimacy, trust and self-esteem between two people when one partner is constantly on their cellphone while they should be focusing on maintaining a healthy relationship together.

Effects of Phubbing

Phubbing, a portmanteau of “phone” and “snubbing,” is the act of snubbing someone in favor of using one's mobile phone. This act has been noted to have some very real consequences that can affect any relationship. It has been shown to lead to less social connection and reduced self-esteem for both parties involved. Phubbing is a sign of disconnection and lack of attention, which can be interpreted by the other person as being inconsiderate or even unfriendly.

This inattentiveness can lead to feelings of loneliness, anger, frustration, rejection or betrayal - all negative emotions that can hurt any relationship. In addition to these effects on interpersonal relationships, phubbing has also been found to have a negative effect on an individual's performance at work and other achievement based activities. When distracted by their phones, these individuals often pay less attention and are less likely to produce at their highest level of performance.

It is important for people who use their phones frequently to recognize when they are engaging in phubbing behavior for its detrimental effects on both themselves and others around them. Making an effort to reduce dependence on technology in interpersonal relationships may help strengthen those connections as well as improve overall wellbeing.

Strategies to Avoid Phubbing

Phubbing (from “phone” and “snubbing”) is the act of snubbing someone you’re with in favor of your phone. It’s a growing problem—recent studies show it has a negative effect on relationships and can be damaging to overall quality of life. Fortunately, there are simple strategies—like setting ground rules and creating specific conditions for phone use—that can help you avoid phubbing.

One strategy to avoid phubbing is to create ground rules for when and where it's appropriate to place focus on your phone. For example, one option might be at family meals or when out with friends, your phone should be put away in order to focus attention on each other. You can also reduce your own temptation by tasking yourself with putting the phones somewhere that is out of sight, which may help curb the instinctive urge to check emails or social media apps every few minutes.

Another strategy is developing clear communication protocols after you have established ground rules. For example, if you are out with friends it is important they let each other know if they need a few minutes alone with their phones so everybody feels heard, respected and understood. This helps lay down expectations that phubbing won't happen as often, as well as further reducing the temptation to keep checking our phones throughout social interactions.

Lastly, reducing distractions can make it easier for everyone involved in an activity -- such as dinner at home --to stay focused on enjoying the moment together instead of being tempted by notifications coming through on their devices. Inviting everyone over without their tech gadgets enables conversations that foster positive relationships without any detours due to digital distraction and potential phubbing situations..


In conclusion, the term "phub" is used to describe when somebody snubs another person or group in favor of their online activity or phone use. It is a sign of modern-day detachment and disconnection from social interactions, partially caused by our dependence on technology. We must all be mindful not to fall into this trap and be determined to stay present and truly connect with the physical world around us.


If you're curious about the meaning of the word “phub,” there are some resources that can help you better understand its meaning and usage.

The most reliable source is Merriam-Webster's dictionary, which defines the term as "to ignore or disregard someone especially to pay attention to one's phone or other device instead: to snub someone by paying more attention to one's phone than to the person."

The Oxford Living Dictionaries provides a brief explanation of how we use phubbing: “Phubbing can be defined as an act of snubbing someone by giving attention to your cell phone rather than engaging in conversation with them.” The dictionary also connects it conceptually with related terms such as “attention filtering,” “distracted listening,” and “selective conversational dropouts.”

For a deeper understanding of the social and psychological implications of phubbing, you can read articles from scholarly journals and other sources that have conducted research on this phenomenon. Popular item "How Much Is Too Much?" from Psychology Today offers general insights on why people phub and how this behavior can affect relationships. In addition, online resources like have published articles and interviews about various aspects of phubbing that may also provide helpful understanding.

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